Tobacco Cessation

Indiana Tobacco Quitline


The Indiana Tobacco Quitline is provided by the Indiana Department of Health to all Indiana residents and is available seven days a week at no cost. 

When you call the Quitline, a trained Quit Coach will provide:

  • An assessment of readiness to quit
  • A customized quit plan
  • Motivation and problem-solving advice
  • Up-to-date information about nicotine replacement therapy
  • A Quit Kit tailored to your needs, including materials in English or Spanish
  • Referral to cessation services offered by local resources or by health plans

Quitline staff are skilled at working with people who use all forms of tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, pipes, cigars, and e-cigarettes.

To enroll, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit

Medical Plan Premium Reduction

If you’re enrolled on an IU-sponsored employee medical plan you can reduce your monthly medical plan premium by $7.50 for yourself or your spouse (or $15 for both) by completing the Quitline program. To receive credit, you must do the following: 

  • Register: Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or text READY to 34191 to start the program. 
  • Take calls: You will have four calls with your quit coach. Generally, most people complete their four calls between six and twelve weeks.
  • Submit your certificate of completion: During your fourth call with your quit coach, you must request a “certificate of completion.”
  • Submit your certificate to IUHR. Once you receive the certification in the mail, you must submit it to Human Resources at .

Your medical plan premium reduction will be applied to your paycheck as soon as administratively possible after receipt of your certificate.

Tobacco Cessation Prescription Benefits

Eligibility: Anyone enrolled on an IU-sponsored medical plan

IU-sponsored medical plans cover 100% of the cost of tobacco cessation prescriptions and over-the-counter tobacco replacement products. Coverage is limited to a 180-day supply per covered individual per year. Review the CVS Caremark No-Cost Preventive Drug List for a list of covered medications. Over-the-counter products must be prescribed by a physician to be covered.