Pre-tax Commuting Expense Plan

On this page: Plan Provisions | Eligiblility | Plan Contributions | Enrollment

Internal Revenue Code (Section 132) allows employees to pay for certain commuting expenses on a pre-tax basis (commuting expenses are treated as a "business expense" when an employee elects such in lieu of compensation -- a salary reduction).

Plan Provisions

Pre-Tax Parking Expenses

The Plan allows an employee to exclude from gross income up to $315** (2024) per month for "qualified parking" (defined as parking provided to an employee on or near the business premises of the employer). Indiana University will provide the benefit directly for the purchase of IU parking stickers on a salary reduction basis through the payroll system. This qualified parking allowance is voluntary -- any employee who does not wish to take advantage of this benefit may pay parking fees directly to campus Parking Operations.


All Indiana University employees with a regular salary payment may elect to participate in the Plan, excluding those with student status.

Plan Contributions

Indiana University covers the administrative costs of the Pre-Tax Commuting Expense Plan. Employees are responsible for paying their Pre-Tax Parking Expense through payroll deductions.


Enrollment in the Pre-Tax Parking Expense provision is handled through campus Parking Operations. Those wishing to participate will be required to sign and return a Salary Reduction Agreement for parking sticker payments through the payroll system.