HSA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
H. Investment Options
1. How do I open an investment account?
An investment account can be opened when you have a balance greater than $1,000 in your HSA cash account. Once opened an array of investment options are available through WEX.
- All initial investing and any trades can be done online at any time.
- The earnings on your HSA investments, if any, are also tax-free.
- You must maintain a balance of $1,000 or more in your cash account. If the balance falls below $1,000, some investments will automatically be sold to bring your cash account balance back up.
- An investment in a mutual fund is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money by investing. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the fund. Please carefully read the prospectus, which contains this and other important information before you invest money.
- To get more information about the Investment Services:
- Log in to the WEX website at www.benefit-info.com/iu/
- On the Welcome screen, select “View Investments” button.
- On the Accounts/Investment Summary page, select either “Start Investing” or “Manage Investments” to create an investment account or to change your investment selections.
For investment advice and assistance you can contact a WEX registered representative at 800-284-8412.
See the HSA Investment Options List
See the Schedule of Fees
2. When can I begin making investments?
You must have an HSA Cash Account balance greater than $1,000 to open an HSA Investment Account.
3. Are there any fees associated with the Investment Account?
There is a quarterly custodial management fee of 25 Basis Points per annum investment in mutual funds.
Mutual fund investment selections are offered without front-end or back-end loads, however some funds have fees for early redemption. There are no fees for mutual fund trades and Automatic Investing requests that you place with a WEX dedicated registered representative over the telephone, or for fund trades done online.
See the Schedule of Fees
4. What investment options are available?
Your investment choices include a variety of funds - asset allocation, fixed income and equity mutual funds – all supporting a range of investment objectives and time horizons. You can review the full list of investment choices online or speak with a registered investment representative by contacting WEX at 800-284-8412, Option 1.
See the HSA Investment Options List
5. How do I invest in mutual funds?
You can purchase, exchange and redeem mutual funds on the WEX HSA Member website. There is no trading fee when done online. You can also contact WEX's dedicated registered representatives to place a trade by calling 800-284-8412, Option 1.
6. How long does it take to transfer funds or make a trade?
All transfers and trades requested and accepted before 3:30 PM Eastern time during normal trading days will be processed at the close of that day. The transfers will be posted to your account the next business day.
7. Can I make deposits directly into my HSA Investment Account?
No, you can only make deposits to the HSA Cash Account. Once funds are available in the HSA Cash Account, you can transfer funds to the Investment Account by logging in to www.benefit-info.com/iu/.
8. Can funds in my HSA Investment Account be used to pay for eligible health expenses?
If you want to use HSA Investment Account assets to pay for health expenses, you must first redeem mutual funds and transfer the required balance to the HSA Cash Account. HSA Investment Account funds cannot be accessed using a debit card.
9. How long does it take to sell an investment and transfer the funds to my HSA Cash Account?
It typically takes 2-3 business days for the investment to settle and for the funds to be moved over to your HSA Cash Account.
Please note, any pending transactions will delay the investment sell, and moving those funds to your HSA Cash Account.
For investment advice and assistance you can contact a WEX registered representative at 800-284-8412, Option 1.
10. How often will statements and transaction confirmations be provided?
You will receive a monthly on-line statement for your HSA Investment Account. If you would like paper statements, you may order them through WEX for a monthly fee. When there is transaction activity, you will also receive a trade confirmation.
11. How do I manage my HSA investment account balances?
You can manage your investment account on the WEX HSA Member Website which provides access to investment balances and investment activity. You can also contact one of WEX’s registered representatives by calling 800-284-8412, Option 1.
12. Are my investments protected against loss?
No, an investment in a mutual fund is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money by investing. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the fund. Please carefully read the prospectus, which contains this and other important information before you invest money.
For investment advice and assistance you can contact a WEX registered representative at 800-284-8412, Option 1.
See the HSA Investment Options List