Form I-9 & E-Verify Training & Support

The documents and guides here will help you initiate and monitor Form I-9s.

HireRight recently informed IU of their new partnership with GryphonHR which provides I-9 and E-Verify services and solutions. As a result of this partnership, HireRight is transitioning Indiana University to the GryphonHR electronic I-9 and E-Verify platform in early 2024.

View a recording of the Gryphon HR/HireRight I-9 Introduction Webinar (25 minutes).

New Form I-9 User Training

HireRight Training Guides

GryphonHR Training Guides

Federal Resources and Training Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How do I access HireRight?

Departments are responsible for completing Form I-9 and initiating background checks for each employee they hire. Departments should identify a HireRight Standard User who needs access to the HireRight platform to initiate Form I-9s and background checks. New users are required to take the Form I-9 Compliance training prior to receiving access to the system. Requests to add a HireRight user must be made by a department manager or campus HR/Academic office.

Submit a I-9/E-Verify & Background Checks Systems Access Request Form

For existing users, HireRight I-9 and background checks can also be reached through One.IU or the link below. Use the account dropdown in the upper right-hand corner of HireRight to toggle between I-9s and Background Checks.

Access HireRight

Who needs to complete Form I-9?
  • New hires working in the US
  • Rehires working in the US who do not currently have an active job, resulting in a break in service HRMS

Tip: Use the Employee Active Jobs Lookup tool in the HRMS app through One.IU to determine if an employee has an active job.

How do I initiate an I-9 In HireRight?
  1. Toggle to the “Indiana University (I-9 + E-Verify)” option in the HireRight dropdown menu.
  2. Click on “Manage I-9 Forms” on the left hand menu.
  3. Click on “New” and select, “Invite Employee” 
  4. Enter all required information (marked by an *asterisk) about the new hire.
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. E-Mail Address
    4. Start Date
    5. Account Number
    6. University Department (Ex: UA-HUMM, BL-PHYP) 
  5. Click Submit. You should see a confirmation page that reads:

    "An email has been sent to the employee.

    You will be notified by email once the employee has completed Section 1o 4th I-9 form. At any time, you can check the status of the I-9 form under the Manage I-9 Forms menu item.

    For the sake of your security, please close the browser window!"
How do I initiate an I-9 in GryphonHR?

Initiating a Form I-9 in GryphonHR (3 minute video)

Section 1

How does the new hire complete Section 1?

The following guides are written to walk new hires through Form I-9 Section 1

Section 2

How do I complete Section 2 in HireRight?
  1. Toggle to the “Indiana University (I-9 + E-Verify)” option in the HireRight dropdown menu.
  2. Click on “Manage I-9 Forms” on the left hand menu.
  3. Go to the “Pending Employer” tab to locate the appropriate I-9 (see red arrow). a. You can adjust the filter to see only I-9’s you’ve submitted and the date range as needed to locate the I-9. b. You can also search for the I-9 by employee name in the search bar (see blue arrow). 
  4. Once you locate the correct employee record, highlight it, and then right click to open the menu options.  
  5. Right click and select “Verify I-9 Docs”.
  6. Review Section 1 (this will automatically come up) for accuracy and then click “Next”.  a. If any changes are needed, send a “Correct I-9 Form” request to the hire before completing Section 2. 
  7. Confirm start date.
  8. Based on the documents presented by the new hire, select the correct document from the dropdown.
  9. Enter document information.
    1. Note: There is additional information available about where to find correct document numbers. 
  10. Review your name, title and address (should be the main IU HR address, not your campus address). 
  11. Confirm department and account data.
  12. Review all I-9 information and check the box attesting to information.
  13. Review all data once more using the “review” button.
  14. Check your name, complete the electronic signature, and click the attestation box. Then click, “E-sign, Save and Submit E-Verify”.
How do I complete Section 2 in GryphonHR?

Completing Section 2 of the Form I-9 in GryphonHR (8 minute video)

Where can I find the document number on a Permanent Resident Green Card?

If you are completing Section 2 of the Form I-9 for a Lawful Permanent Resident who is presenting a Permanent Resident Green Card, the document/card number can be found on the back of the card. The card number is 13 characters long starting with three letters then 10 numbers.

Can a restricted Social Security Card be used in verification?

Only an unrestricted Social Security Card is an acceptable List C document. Unrestricted Social Security cards are only issued to US Citizens, and individuals who are lawfully admitted to the US on a permanent basis such as a Permanent Resident.

Individuals who are Aliens Authorized to Work typically can only receive a restricted Social Security Card. Restricted Social Security Cards contain a note on the front of the card stating either VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIATION or NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT. These Social Security Cards are not an acceptable document for the Form I-9. The individual must provide alternative documentation for the Form I-9.

Do all work authorization documents have to be verified in person?


While the recent updates to the Form I-9 allows for virtual verification of work authorization documents, IU continues to verify these documents in person only. Guidance will be released on how the University will approach the virtual completion of Form I-9s, in compliance with the new DHS guidelines in early 2024.

How do I verify documents for a remote employee?

If you need to complete an I-9 for an employee who is working in a different state or city, you may designate a hiring manager. The follow guides can assist with identify and working with a hiring manager:

Reverifications and Troubleshooting

How do I complete an I-9 reverification?

If you need to complete a Form I-9 reverification for an international employee whose work authorization is about to expire, follow these steps:

In HireRight:

  1. Log into HireRight I-9 Platform
  2. Search for the employee.
  3. Right-click on the employee record line and select Re-verify I-9 Form from the dropdown.
  4. Select Update Myself
  5. Select Employee Work Authorization Renewal
  6. Complete the rest of Section 3 and click Proceed to Form I-9 Completion
How do I access an I-9 from the GIS system?

I-9 records that were migrated to HireRight from GIS Compli-9 show a summary record in the system. However, PDF records of these I-9s showing details are not viewable. If you need to access these I-9s, send a request to IU Policy and Compliance and we will be glad to assist you.

Training and Support Contacts

HireRight Customer Service:
1-877-990-4473 or email

IUHR Customer Service: