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Performance at IU

A culture of conversations

This performance management program is a consistent, collaborative, and ongoing process to help appointed staff achieve their full potential. Four simple conversations drive the annual process, with education, guidance, support, and templates to support each conversation.

How does it work?

Performance at IU is a uniform program of conversations about performance and development. It sets staff up for success by ensuring: 

  • A clear understanding of expectations for all staff roles 
  • Recurring two-way conversations between staff and leaders 
  • Annual growth and development plans for every staff member 
  • Consistent annual performance conversations with every staff member 


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Why build a culture of conversations?

Results from the My Voice at IU Staff Engagement Survey showed that IU has an opportunity to do better in collectively setting expectations with staff and providing related feedback. For staff to succeed and feel engaged at work, they need to understand the expectations of their role and have related conversations about performance and development.

Four guided conversations can create a culture of conversations where role expectations are known, and conversations occur between leaders and employees that guide individual achievement and development.

Four Conversations that Build Our Culture

The Performance at IU program includes four guided conversations. Click a button below to learn about the four conversations that guide the annual program. (IU Login required)

The Performance at IU Annual Cycle

Conversation Timeframe Attestation Frequency
Expectation Conversation Jan.–April Submitted by employee by May 15 Required once per year
Check-In Conversation Throughout the year, after Expectation Conversation occurs No attestation Ongoing, at least one 30-min. conversation per month
Development Conversation Throughout the year No attestation One or two 30-60 min. conversations per year
Annual Performance Conversation Jan.–March Submitted by leader by April 15 Required once per year

Implementation Schedule

2023 Adoption (Phase I):

In the initial rollout, participants adopted a new conversation each quarter of the calendar year with a focus on learning how to participate in each one.

The appointed staff and leaders of the units below officially participated in the 2023 rollout. University 

  • University Administration 
  • Regional campuses
  • IU School of Medicine
  • IUB Jacobs School of Music
  • IU McKinney School of Law
  • IU Police 

Staff members represented by a union did not participate in 2023, with the exception of AFSCME Police.

2024 Adoption (Phase II):

In the second phase of adoption, all remaining units at IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis campuses and union-covered employees university-wide will adopt the program. A new conversation will be adopted each quarter of the calendar year, with an initial focus on learning how to participate in each one.