Leading at IU

How you lead matters. Be the best leader you can be to help your team soar.


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The Leading at IU development series is a targeted learning and development program built specifically for people who lead others at Indiana University. IU is committed to strengthening its leaders and, in turn, building stronger, more successful teams. Leading at IU offers self-guided e-learning, real-time and peer-to-peer learning, mentoring and even one-on-one coaching by the IUHR Talent & Organization Development team. Based on the Seven Expectations of Leaders by Gallup®, this series will help leaders (and future leaders):

  • Understand the expectations of leaders at IU
  • Get tools and resources to learn, adopt, and practice leadership skills
  • Recognize and build on areas of strength
  • Be successful in leading others
  • Maximize leadership potential

Who is this for?

The Leading at IU development series features targeted learning for different stages of leadership, focusing on developing:

  • Future leaders
  • New leaders
  • Current leaders
  • Executive leaders
  • Anybody who leads people on behalf of IU

The Leading at IU Development Series

The Seven Expectations of Leaders by Gallup®:

  1. Build relationships: Establish connections with others to build trust, share ideas and accomplish work.
  2. Develop people: Help others become more effective through strengths development, clear expectations, encouragement and coaching.
  3. Lead change: Recognize that change is essential, set goals for change and lead purposeful efforts to adapt work that aligns with the stated vision.
  4. Inspire others: Encourage others through positivity, vision, confidence, challenge and recognition.
  5. Think critically: Seek information, critically evaluate the information, apply the knowledge gained and solve problems.
  6. Communicate clearly: Listen, share information concisely and with purpose, and be open to hearing opinions.
  7. Create accountability: Identify the consequences of actions and hold yourself and others responsible for performance.

Gallup® is a trademark of Gallup, Inc.