
I know what is expected of me at work.

Focus Me: Employees need to know what is expected of them at work so that they can commit, deliver, and focus on what matters most.

Try This Now:

Set aside time to explain to each employee how he or she contributes to the team’s success.

Tools for Action:

Use the Engaging Conversations: Expectations tool to ensure individual employees or teams understand what is expected of them at work, even if situations change.

Learn More:


Originally produced by Gallup. Adapted with permission.

Three Types of Expectations


Functional: The role’s tasks, responsibilities, and metrics

Emotional: The expectations of the working environment and the organization

Relational: The team’s collective expectations and expectations of one another

Role clarity is much more than just a job description or a list of things to do. It is about an employee understanding their contribution, value, and fit within the team.”
- Gallup