Q6: There is someone at work who encourages my development.

Help Me Grow: Every employee needs help navigating the course of their career. Employees want to know there is someone looking out for and encouraging them to grow and develop, helping to push them beyond their current thinking.

Managers, try this now: Develop your employees by providing exposure.  Expose your employees to new work teams, stretch assignments or special projects that align with their development goals.

Action Tool: Engaging Conversations: Employee Development

Employees want to learn, grow, and maximize their contributions to their personal mission, their organization, and the people they provide services to. To do this, you need to discuss your employees’ professional growth and development more than once a year.

Asking your employees these questions can help ensure that you learn more about their growth and developmental needs:

  • What do you enjoy most about your work?
  • Are you being challenged at work? What challenging experiences are you facing?
  • What challenges would you like to take on?
  • What is the best way for me to encourage your growth and development?
  • What are some ways we develop as a team? What are ways you would like to see our team develop?
  • What do you want to accomplish in the next six months?
  • If you could learn anything that would have an effect on your current role, what would that be?
  • When you are “in the trenches” getting the job done, what are some ways we as a team can help you?
  • What can I do to help you achieve your goals?
  • When you achieve your goals, how would you like to receive recognition?
  • Where do you see opportunities for growth within yourself? Are there opportunities I can help you with?

Originally produced by Gallup. Adapted with permission.

More Q6 resources

One common misunderstanding that many people have is that “development” means “promotion.” Development is a process for understanding each person’s unique talents or strengths and finding roles, positions and projects that meet them.”
- Gallup

Three Ways to Encourage Development


Individualized: Customized for each team member and consistent with their current role

Intentional: Directed and purposeful for each person

Ongoing: Continuous process throughout each person's work life cycle (from onboarding to promotion)