Change in Residence/Worksite or Arrive/Depart the U.S.

If you, your spouse, and/or your dependents arrive/depart from the US or move to a new residence or worksite, and it causes the gain or loss of eligibility for a plan, you can make certain changes to your IU benefits. Examples include adding your dependents to your IU medical/dental plan upon their arrival to the United States, or enrolling in the Dependent Care FSA if you transition from remote work to working on-site, and have a new need for dependent care. You must make these changes within 30 days of the event by submitting a Life Event change online through the Employee Center. Benefit changes will be effective as of the date of the change in residence/worksite or arrival/departure.

Important Information

For a Change in Residence

  • Documentation showing proof of the residential move (e.g., stamped passport, state ID, USPS Change of Address form receipt, utility bill, rental/lease/mortgage agreement, etc.) must be submitted.
  • Visit the Employee Center to update your address with the university. If you are moving to a different state, remember to also complete new state tax forms.

For a Change in Worksite

  • Documentation showing proof of the worksite move (i.e., notice from your supervisor’s official IU email address or on university letterhead stating the change of worksite) must be submitted. Documentation must include the date of your worksite change, your prior worksite location, and your new worksite location.

For arrival to/departure from the U.S.

  • Documentation showing proof of arrival or departure (e.g. passport showing arrival/departure stamp or copy of airline ticket reflecting arrival/departure information.)

Medical Coverage

You may take the following actions:

  • Add or drop IU medical coverage for employee, spouse, or child(ren) (if you gain/lose eligibility for another plan)
  • Change from one IU medical plan to another (if you move outside of the exclusive provider network coverage area)

Dental Coverage

You may take the following actions:

  • Add or drop IU dental coverage for employee, spouse, or child(ren) (if you gain/lose eligibility for another plan)

Critical Illness Insurance

You may take the following actions:

  • Add or drop coverage for yourself and/or your spouse (if you’re enrolled in Critical Illness coverage, your eligible children are automatically enrolled at 50% of your coverage level)
  • Increase or decrease your coverage level

Dependent Care FSA

You may take the following actions:

  • Add Dependent Care FSA (if you lose eligibility for another plan or have a new need for dependent care due to the move)
  • Increase your Dependent Care FSA election (if the move causes an increase in your dependent care expenses)
  • Lower your Dependent Care FSA election to your current year-to-date contribution amount (if the move causes a reduction in the need for or cost for dependent care). Note: No refunds can be provided for deductions already taken.


Make Benefit Changes