Public Employees Retirement Fund

Participant options include:

Summary of actions the participant must take:

  1. Determine if the participant has any vested Pension benefit (see above).
  2. Choose whether to leave the Defined Contribution (DC) account with PERF or to ask for a distribution of funds.
  3. To withdraw the Defined Contribution (DC) account balance contact PERF.
  4. Notify PERF of any change of address by completing the appropriate PERF form or by accessing the participant account at
  5. Continue to make investment fund allocations as long as the Defined Contribution (DC) account is with PERF.

Contact information for PERF:
Indiana Public Employees Retirement System
1 North Capitol, Suite 001
Indianapolis, IN 46204
888-526-1687 (toll free)
(TDD) 317-233-4160
PERF Web site: