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I-9 E-Verify Frequently Asked Questions

Top Questions

How do I get access to HireRight?

Have your supervisor utilize the I-9/E-Verify and Background Checks Systems Access Request Form.

Please note you may choose to access both systems, or access to each system separately on the form.

Access to the Form I-9 system requires the user to complete a training prior to being granted access.

What’s the process for new employees who can’t logon?

Form I-9 processors can resend the Form I-9 to new hires by selecting the record, right clicking to open the menu and selecting “resend”. This is essentially the new process for resetting passwords.

If you are still having difficulty logging into the HireRight I-9 platform to complete a Form I-9, please contact HireRight directly at: 1-877-990-4473.

My employee did not receive their credentials or they expired, can I resend them?

You can resend the Form I-9 and the new hires credentials by going to your Manage I-9’s dashboard, under the “Sent to Employee” tab and highlighting the correct record. Next, select “resend” from the “more options” dropdown at the top of the page (or right click on the record and the same menu will pop up).

Note: New hire credentials are good for 7 days from the date of initiation.

How will I know when the employee completes section 1?

The initiator will receive an email notification once the new hire has completed Section 1.

What if the employee only has an official receipt for their document but not the actual document?

When completing section 2, you will check the box that indicates “The Employee has presented a Receipt for a replacement of a lost, stolen, or damaged document”.

  • When the actual document is available to verify, go to your “completed” tab and select the correct record. Then right click and select “Correct I-9 Form”.
  • When you go into Section 2, you will be able to check the box that says “Actual document presented”, and enter the updated document information as needed.

What if the employee does not have an SSN?

You do not need an SSN to complete the Form I9; however, you do need it to complete the E-Verify process.

The employee will need to check the box when completing section 1 that states “The Social Security Administration has not yet issued me a Social Security Number”.

  • Once the SSN is received, you will want to locate the correct record from your “Completed” tab. Then right click the record and select “Correct I-9 Form”.
  • Select “Send Section 1 to Employee” and ask that the new hire enter their SSN to the form.
  • Once they have done this, you will be notified via e-mail, then go back in to your “Completed” tab and right click the record again, this time selecting “Order E-Verify”.

What if I enter the wrong start date when I initiate the Form I-9?

You can change the start date when you complete Section 2.

I initiated the Form I-9; however someone else is responsible for completing section 2. How can this be done?

Anyone that is set up as a user in the system can access the record and complete section 2.

Only IU employees will be given access to the HireRight I-9 platform; if you have a non-IU employee that will complete section 2, follow the remote I-9 process (utilizing the Hiring Manager feature).

HireRight I-9 Platform Questions

Form I-9 in General

What is a Form I-9?

Form I-9 is a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services form. Completion of the form was mandated by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. It is used to verify the identity and legal authorization to work of all paid employees in the United States.

How quickly are the E-Verify results complete?

Many E-verify results are complete within a few seconds.

Cases that return as employment authorized should automatically close themselves. Some cases may require additional information such as a photo match or re-verify.

What if the I-9 was not completed within three days of the start date?

The Form I-9 will be considered to be out of compliance, but is still required to be completed.

Does the three day deadline for completing section 2 include holidays and weekends?

The university business days are Monday through Friday. Normally, those will be the only days that count towards the 3 day deadline. However, if the employee works on a weekend day, this counts towards the 3 day rule.

How can departments track I-9 expirations?

The HireRight I-9 platform will automatically begin sending reminders to initiators 120 days out from the work authorization expiration date and will continue on a rolling 30 day schedule. IU HR will also audit and send notifications closer to the actual expiration date.

Does IU accept remote I-9s?

IU utilizes the “Hiring Manager” function in the HireRight I-9 platform. This will allow a designated processor outside of IU to complete the form. We utilize the CUPA HR consortium to find appropriate processors to assist with this process. Please contact if you need assistance with this process.

How long do we keep a paper I-9?

Paper copies of past I-9 Forms for Staff and Part-Time employees are retained in the Campus HR or Payroll Office as designated for the campus for 3 years post termination. Copies are not to be maintained in the department.

See theUniversity Records Retention Schedule

If I have a long-time employee with a paper I-9, should I move them to the new process (an electronic I-9)?

You are only required to complete a new I-9, if the employee had a break in service and was rehired, has a change in citizenship status, or is an Alien Authorized to work with expiring work authorization documentation.

I’m rehiring a new employee, how do I know if they need a new I-9?

Utilize the Employee Active Jobs Lookup tool in One.IU to determine if an employee has an active job.  If the employee has an active job a new Form I-9 is not required.

How do I complete a re-verify Section 3?

  • Locate the appropriate employee record under the “completed” tab in the HireRight I-9 platform.
  • Right click on the record, and select “Re-Verify I-9 Form”
  • Choose “Update Myself”
  • Under “Purpose of Reverification”, check “Employee Work Authorization renewal”
  • Enter the appropriate required document information
  • Check the “I attest…” box
  • Click “Proceed to Form I-9 Completion”
  • Electronically sign Section 3
  • Click “E-Sign & Save”

Section 1

When does the new employee need to complete Section 1 of the Form I-9?

In order for an employee to be eligible for work, Section 1 needs to be completed by the end of the first day of employment.

What if I enter the wrong start date when I initiate the Form I-9?

You can change the start date when you complete Section 2.

Can I view only the I-9’s that I initiated?

No the list will include all initiated I-9’s, university wide. However you can view only I-9’s that you have submitted by selecting “Current User” from the dropdown menu at the top right hand side of the page.

What if the employee does not have an SSN?

You do not need an SSN to complete the Form I9; however, you do need it to complete the E-Verify process.
The employee will need to check the box when completing section 1 that states “The Social Security Administration has not yet issued me a Social Security Number”.  

  • Once the SSN is received, you will want to locate the correct record from your “Completed” tab. Then right click the record and select “Correct I-9 Form”.
  • Select “Send Section 1 to Employee” and ask that the new hire enter their SSN to the form.

Once they have done this, you will be notified via e-mail, then go back in to your “Completed” tab and right click the record again, this time selecting “Order E-Verify”.

Section 2

What if the employee only has an official receipt for their document but not the actual document?

When completing section 2, you will check the box that indicates “The Employee has presented a Receipt for a replacement of a lost, stolen, or damaged document”.

  • When the actual document is available to verify, go to your “completed” tab and select the correct record. Then right click and select “Correct I-9 Form”.
  • When you go into Section 2, you will be able to check the box that says “Actual document presented”, and enter the updated document information as needed.

When does the department need to complete Section 2 of the Form I-9?

In order for an employee to be eligible for work, Section 2 needs to be completed by the end of the third day of employment.

What documents can an employee present? 

Completion of Section 1 of the form I-9 will present a list of the possible documents an employee may present.

Can I tell the employee what documents to bring?  

No, you cannot specify which documents the employee must bring. You can provide guidance as to which documents will satisfy the Form I-9 requirements.

Why does the system not give me the correct document(s) options when I try and complete Section 2?

This is most likely because the employee has chosen the wrong Citizenship Status in Section 1. Please contact IU HR for instructions on how to handle.

Can I make copies of the employee’s original document and then fill out the Form I-9 later?

No, completion of Section 2 of the Form I-9 requires you meet with the employee in person and review original unexpired versions of their documents.


What is E-Verify?  

E-Verify is a state mandated system that compares information from an employee's Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 to data from U.S. government records. If the information matches, the employee is deemed eligible to work in the United States.

What is Tentative Non Confirmation (TNC)

Indiana University participates in E-Verify, a program managed by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). E-Verify compares the information on an employee’s Form I-9 with the government’s records to verify that they are eligible to work in the United States. A Tentative Non-Confirmation (TNC), means that some of the information from the employee’s Form I-9 differs from what is in the DHS or SAA database.

If one of your employees receives a TNC, please do not take any further action on the case in the HireRight I-9 platform unless instructed by IU HR, Faculty Affairs or a Campus HR official. You will be contacted by a IU HR, Faculty Affairs or a Campus HR official. Once the case has been resolved, a central office official will close the TNC and any related cases. As a reminder, employees are allowed to work and receive pay while resolving the TNC.