Pay Ranges: Legal, Safety, & Protection (RA)

Legal, Safety & Protection job families are responsible for supporting the strategic and operational goals of the university by ensuring compliance with laws, rules, and regulations. This incudes ensuring the safety and security of university students and employees.

This job function was moved to market-based ranges effective 7/1/2024.

Pay Ranges: Legal, Safety, & Protection (RA)
Family Family Code Family Description Title Level  Annual Min   Annual Midpoint   Annual Max 
Emergency Preparation EP Emergency Preparation includes roles that support the development, review, and maintenance of campus public safety plans. Emergency Management Coord Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
EHS/EMC Specialist Core  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Emergency Management Leader Operational  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
Emergency Management Leader Sr. Operational  $86,632.00  $114,795.20  $142,958.40
Emergency Management Leader Strategic  $105,310.40  $139,547.20  $173,763.20
Environmental Health & Safety EH Environmental Health & Safety roles include roles such as biosafety, environmental health and safety coordinator, hazardous materials specialist, industrial hygienist, laboratory safety specialist, radiation safety coordinator, and remediation specialist.  Enviro Health & Safety Coord Foundational  $31,200.00  $40,560.00  $49,920.00
Remediation Worker Intermediate  $39,811.20  $51,771.20  $63,710.40
Enviro Health & Safety Coord Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Environmental Permit Coord Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Radiation Safety Coord Mastery  $43,908.80  $57,075.20  $70,241.60
Remediation Program Rep Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Remediation Worker Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Biosafety Specialist Core  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Diving Safety Officer Core  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Hazardous Materials Specialist Core  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Industrial Hygienist Core  $48,235.20  $63,918.40  $79,601.60
Laboratory Safety Specialist Core  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Occupational Safety Specialist Core  $48,235.20  $63,918.40  $79,601.60
Public Health & Safety Spec Core  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Remediation Specialist Core  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Biosafety Officer Career  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Health Physicist Career  $61,568.00  $81,577.60  $  101,587.20
Industrial Hygienist Career  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
Industrial Hygienist Advanced  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Biosafety Leader Operational  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Enviro Management Leader Operational  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Industrial Hygiene Leader Operational  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Laboratory Safety Leader Operational  $67,891.20  $89,960.00  $112,008.00
Radiation Safety Leader Operational  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Remediation Compliance Leader Operational  $61,568.00  $81,577.60  $101,587.20
Remediation Leader Operational  $61,568.00  $81,577.60  $101,587.20
Industrial Hygiene Leader Sr. Operational  $95,513.60  $126,568.00  $157,601.60
Laboratory/Biosafety Leader Sr. Operational  $86,632.00  $114,795.20  $142,958.40
Pub & Enviro Health/Saf Leader Sr. Operational  $86,632.00  $114,795.20  $142,958.40
Radiation Safety Leader Sr. Operational  $78,582.40  $104,124.80  $129,667.20
Enviro Health & Safety Leader Strategic  $105,310.40  $139,547.20  $173,763.20
Insurance & Loss Control IL Insurance & Loss Control roles include roles such as claims investigator, loss control inspector, and risk management. Loss Control Inspector Mastery  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Claims Investigator Core $43,888.00  $52,603.20  $65,499.20
Loss Control Specialist Core  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Loss Control Specialist Career  $50,648.00  $67,121.60  $83,574.40
Insurance & Claims Leader Operational  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Loss Control Leader Operational  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Insurance & Claims Leader Sr. Operational  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Loss Control Leader Sr. Operational  $78,582.40  $104,124.80  $129,667.20
Risk Management Leader Strategic  $116,105.60  $153,836.80  $191,568.00
Internal Audit IA Internal Audit roles are responsible for supporting the auditing of the university's financial documents to evaluate, analyze, assess, and determine the adequacy of general operations and financial controls.  Operations & Financial Auditor Core  $43,888.00  $57,990.40  $72,196.80
IT Auditor Career  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
Operations & Financial Auditor Career  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
IT Auditor Advanced  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Operations & Financial Auditor Advanced  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Operations & Financial Audit Leader Operational  $74,838.40  $99,174.40  $123,489.60
IT Audit Leader Sr. Operational  $100,297.60  $132,891.20  $165,484.80
Operations & Fin Audit Leader Sr. Operational  $90,979.20  $120,536.00  $150,092.80
Audit Leader Strategic  $116,105.60  $153,836.80  $191,568.00
Legal Compliance LC Legal Compliance includes roles that are responsible for supporting workers compensation, policy governance, legal compliance, international services, and equity analysis in the organization. International Services Rep Intermediate  $32,760.00  $42,598.40  $52,416.00
Worker's Compensation Coord Intermediate  $36,108.80  $46,945.60  $57,782.40
International Services Rep Mastery  $36,108.80  $46,945.60  $57,782.40
Intl Services Advising Asst Mastery  $36,108.80  $46,945.60  $57,782.40
Policy Asst Mastery  $37,918.40  $49,296.00  $60,673.60
Equity Specialist Core  $50,648.00  $67,121.60  $83,574.40
International Services Advisor Core $43,888.00  $50,086.40  $62,379.20
Worker's Comp Consultant Core $43,888.00  $50,086.40  $62,379.20
Compliance Data & Report Spec Career  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Equity Specialist Career  $55,848.00  $74,006.40  $92,144.00
International Services Advisor Career  $45,947.20  $60,881.60  $75,816.00
Legal Compliance Consultant Career  $48,235.20  $63,918.40  $79,601.60
Equity Specialist Advanced  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
International Services Advisor Advanced  $50,648.00  $67,121.60  $83,574.40
Legal Compliance Consultant Advanced  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
Equity Specialist Expert  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Equity Leader Operational  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Intl Services Leader Operational  $58,635.20  $77,708.80  $96,761.60
Equity Leader Sr. Operational  $78,582.40  $104,124.80  $129,667.20
Intl Services Leader Sr. Operational  $82,513.60  $109,324.80  $136,136.00
Worker's Compensation Leader Sr. Operational  $74,838.40  $99,174.40  $123,489.60
Equity Leader Strategic  $95,513.60  $126,568.00  $157,601.60
Intl Services Leader Strategic  $95,513.60  $126,568.00  $157,601.60
Legal Compliance Leader Strategic  $110,572.80  $146,515.20  $182,436.80
Policy Leader Strategic  $121,908.80  $161,532.80  $201,156.80
Legal Counsel GC Legal Counsel roles are responsible for supporting the university's constituents in a legal capacity through providing research and advice on regulatory and compliance matters. Paralegal Mastery  $46,092.80  $59,924.80  $73,756.80
Legal Counsel Core  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Legal Counsel Career  $100,297.60  $132,891.20  $165,484.80
Student Legal Counsel Career  $74,838.40  $99,174.40  $123,489.60
Legal Counsel Advanced  $116,105.60  $153,836.80  $191,568.00
Student Legal Counsel Advanced  $90,979.20  $120,536.00  $150,092.80
Legal Counsel Expert  $148,179.20  $196,352.00  $244,504.00
Student Legal Counsel Leader Sr. Operational  $100,297.60  $132,891.20  $165,484.80
Public Safety PS Public Safety roles include roles such as police captain, deputy chief of police, evidence and crime scene technician, lieutenant, patrol officer, public safety analyst, public safety dispatcher, security guard, and sergeant Patrol Officer Foundational  $70,325.00
Public Safety Dispatcher Foundational  $31,200.00  $40,560.00  $49,920.00
Security Guard Foundational  $31,200.00  $40,560.00  $49,920.00
Evidence & Crime Scene Tech Intermediate  $41,808.00  $54,350.40  $66,892.80
Patrol Officer Intermediate $77,500.00
Public Safety Dispatcher Intermediate  $32,760.00  $42,598.40  $52,416.00
Evidence & Crime Scene Tech Mastery  $43,908.80  $57,075.20  $70,241.60
Patrol Officer Mastery  $85,000.00
Public Safety Dispatcher Mastery  $34,403.20  $44,720.00  $55,036.80
Security Guard Mastery  $34,403.20  $44,720.00  $55,036.80
Sergeant Mastery $95,000.00
Public Safety Analyst Core $43,888.00  $55,224.00  $68,764.80
Public Safety Dispatch Spec Core $43,888.00  $57,990.40  $72,196.80
Public Safety Compliance Spec Career  $50,648.00  $67,121.60  $83,574.40
Safety & Security Specialist Career  $50,648.00  $67,121.60  $83,574.40
Investigation Specialist Advanced  $82,513.60  $109,324.80  $136,136.00
Public Safety Compliance Spec Advanced  $53,185.60  $70,470.40  $87,755.20
Strategy Planning Specialist Advanced  $71,281.60  $94,452.80  $117,603.20
Lieutenant Operational $110,000.00
Public Safety Dispatch Leader Operational  $55,848.00  $74,006.40  $92,144.00
Captain Sr. Operational  $82,513.60  $109,324.80  $136,136.00
Cyber Forensics Leader Sr. Operational  $82,513.60  $109,324.80  $136,136.00
Deputy Chief of Police Sr. Operational  $82,513.60  $109,324.80  $136,136.00
Safety & Security Leader Sr. Operational  $64,646.40  $85,675.20  $106,683.20
Deputy Superintendent Strategic  $100,297.60  $132,891.20  $165,484.80
Division Chief of Police Strategic  $90,979.20  $120,536.00  $150,092.80
Public Safety Education Leader Strategic  $82,513.60  $  109,324.80  $136,136.00
Threat Assessment Leader Strategic  $100,297.60  $132,891.20  $165,484.80