Pay Ranges: Athletic Affairs (AA)

Athletic Affairs job families are responsible for providing management and support for university sports programs. This includes coaching, administrative activities, training, and other integral components for university sports programs.

Pay Ranges: Athletic Affairs (AA)
Family Family Code Family Description Title Level  Annual Min   Annual Midpoint   Annual Max 
Athletic Compliance AC Athletic Compliance includes roles important to the athletic department's compliance with rules, regulations, policies, and procedures involved with the organizations within which Indiana University sports teams play Athletics Compliance Asst Mastery  $35,651.20  $44,116.80  $52,582.40
Athletics Compliance Spec Career  $43,888.00  $60,257.60  $84,947.20
Athletics Compliance Leader Sr. Operational  $56,139.20  $84,219.20  $112,299.20
Athletic Operations AO Athletic Operations includes roles important to the facilitation of operations to support operations for an assigned sports program. Locker Room Coord Foundational  $31,200.00  $40,560.00  $49,920.00
Athletics Operations Coord Mastery  $35,651.20  $46,904.00  $58,136.00
Athletic Operations Analyst Core $43,888.00  $49,940.80  $64,292.80
Athletic Operations Specialist Core $43,888.00  $49,940.80  $64,292.80
Athletic Operations Specialist Career $43,888.00  $60,257.60  $84,947.20
Assoc Athletic Director (NAIA) Sr. Operational  $44,241.60  $64,604.80  $84,947.20
Sr Associate Athletic Director Sr. Operational  $56,139.20  $84,219.20  $112,299.20
Athletic Director (NAIA) Strategic  $56,139.20  $84,219.20  $112,299.20
Deputy Athletic Director Strategic  $80,475.20  $125,465.60  $170,435.20
Athletic Trainers TN Athletic Trainers are responsible for activities important to the sports medical program for assigned sports, including activities such as demonstrations, injury assessment, and attending practices. Athletic Trainer Core  $43,888.00  $49,940.80  $64,292.80
Athletic Trainer Career  $43,888.00  $60,548.80  $79,372.80
Athletic Training Leader Sr. Operational  $56,139.20  $84,219.20  $112,299.20
Coaching CH

Coaching includes roles responsible for supporting and directing the philosophies and objectives of the program in addition to providing instruction and coaching to student athletes.

Assistant Coach (NCAA) Core Pay rates determined by market.
Assistant Coach (NAIA) Career
Assistant Coach (NCAA) Career
Head Coach (NAIA) Sr. Operational
Head Coach (NCAA) Strategic
Recreational Sports IM Recreational Sports includes roles that are responsible for recreational sports operations, including budgets, program management, and people management. Recreation Coord Mastery  $31,200.00  $37,294.40  $43,388.80
Recreation Specialist Core  $43,888.00  $49,940.80  $64,292.80
Tennis Pro Core  $43,888.00  $49,940.80  $64,292.80
Recreation Specialist Career  $43,888.00  $60,257.60  $84,947.20
Recreation Leader Operational $43,888.00  $56,659.20  $73,985.60
Tennis Pro Leader Operational $43,888.00  $56,659.20  $73,985.60
Recreation Leader Sr. Operational  $56,139.20  $84,219.20  $112,299.20
Recreation Leader Strategic  $80,475.20  $125,465.60  $170,435.20
Strength & Conditioning SC Strength and conditioning includes roles responsible for supporting strength and conditioning programs for teams and individual student athletes. Asst Strength & Cond Coach Core Pay rates determined by market.
Head Strength & Cond Coach Sr. Operational