IU Org Chart
The IU Org Chart tool gives Indiana University employees access to information about appointed staff and academic positions at IU and can display that information in an organizational chart structure. The IU Org Chart lets employees visualize IU's organizational structure, search for individuals to see their relationship to others, see a unit's structure, explore peers, determine reporting structures, and even aid in career planning.
The IU Org Chart tool displays:
- Organizational structures of units and departments
- Employee information, including employee name and job title
- Employee contact information, including email and phone number
- Unit or department and physical campus location
See below for frequently asked questions regarding how to use the IU Org Chart tool, the data it uses, and information for HR professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Using the IU Org Chart Tool
How do I access the IU Org Chart tool?
The IU Org Chart tool can be found at one.iu.edu. Visit One.IU.edu, and search for “IU Org Chart.” The IU Org Chart tile is also available in your Employee Center Homepage.
How do I view an org chart using the tool?
To view your own org chart:
- Launch the IU Org Chart tool.
- At the top, center of the screen, click “View My Org Chart.”
To search for other org charts:
- Launch the IU Org Chart tool.
- At the IU Org Chart homepage, in the “Search IU Org Chart” field, enter a name, email address, job title, location, or other search query.
- From the list of results, click the org chart icon
to view that search result’s associated org chart.
Org chart tiles include contact information, number of direct reports, and total number of employees in that person’s organization.
How do I print an org chart with the tool?
When viewing an org chart:
- From the main menu at the top, click the three dots menu button.
- Choose “Print Organization Chart.” A new page will load.
- At the upper right, click the green “Print” button. A print dialog box will appear.
- In the print dialog box, select your print options and appropriate destination (printer or PDF).
- Click the “Print” or “Save” button in the print dialog box.
TIP: To save the chart as a PDF, choose “Save as PDF” as your print destination.
How do I save an org chart?
To save the org chart as a sharable file (PDF), you print the org chart as a PDF.
See the previous FAQ for instructions on how to print an org chart. In the print dialog box, to save the chart as a PDF, choose “Save as PDF” as your print destination.
How does the search feature work?
Entering a name, job title, email address, or location (or a combination of these) will display all results in PeopleSoft that contain the word or words used in your search.
For example, if you search for the name “Smith,” it will return everyone in the system that has Smith in their name.
Entering a first and last name will narrow your results.
A quick way to narrow your search results is to search by email address, if you have it. You can also add a job title or location to your search to narrow your results.
How do I narrow results to a specific campus location?
Add the campus name to your search query.
For example, if you search for the name “Smith,” it will return everyone in the system that has Smith in their name.
Entering a campus name, such as “Kokomo” into your query will narrow your results to all those that contain Smith and Kokomo.
How do I sort search results?
On the Search Results page, you’ll see a button at the top right of the results that has an up and down arrow . This is the Sort button. You can sort by name, job title, email address, phone number, department, and location.
- Click the Sort button.
- Choose how you would like to sort the results.
- Click the sort option again to reverse the display order.
- Click the X to close the Sort dialog.
How do I clear my search history?
Be sure you are at the home page for the IU Org Chart tool. You should see recently viewed and favorites listed here.
- From the main menu at the top, click the three dots menu button.
- Select “Clear Recently Viewed Profiles.”
How do I clear my favorite profiles?
Be sure you are at the home page for the IU Org Chart tool. You should see recently viewed and favorites listed here.
- From the main menu at the top, click the three dots menu button.
- Select “Clear Favorite Profiles.”
What are “peers” in the IU Org Chart?
In most cases, peers are those individuals at the same level (not necessarily same job title) within a department. Peers may not all be in your unit or department; they are based on who the employee and others report to.
You can enable or disable viewing peers inside the IU Org Chart tool. While viewing any Organization Chart, at the upper right, click the “Show Peers of …” slider.
Data and System
What is the IU Org Chart data based on?
All org charts are built using the position “Reports-to” data field in the PeopleSoft Human Resources Management System (HRMS).
When is the IU Org Chart updated?
It is updated each night.
If my supervisor’s position is vacant, who shows up in the IU Org Chart as my supervisor?
For an employee reporting to a vacant position, the employee will automatically roll up to the vacant position’s supervisor on the IU Org Chart. If there is an interim supervisor in place, the employee may want to reach out to their HR Business Partner to ask that the department consider changing the Reports-to data in HRMS to the interim’s position.
My profile information is incorrect, how do I update it?
The only change an employee can make on their own is changing their preferred name. This is done in Employee Self Service using the Personal Details, then Name tiles.
Any other data changes require a unit or department HR representative to submit an eDoc to make required corrections. If you have data that is incorrect, please contact your unit or department HR representative.
Why are some part-time employees showing up in the IU Org Chart?
In some cases, part-time employees will appear within the IU Org Chart when that position number is listed as a Reports-to for another position.
Why aren’t all part-time employees displayed in the IU Org Chart?
The majority of part-time positions are not included in the org chart because units typically use pooled part-time positions in HRMS. One position has many employees associated with it.
If the Reports-to field is populated by a unit for a part-time employee’s job, it will appear in the IU Org Chart.
For HR Professionals
The IU Org Chart is showing an empty position, how do I remove it?
For any position that is vacant and not needed, the department can temporarily inactivate positions. The department should process a Maintain Position eDoc. In the eDoc, select the “Position Inactivation (INA)” action reason, and from the “Position Status” pull-down menu, select “Temporarily Inactivate.” Once the eDoc is saved to HRMS, please allow the IU Org Chart to update overnight. Once updated, the position will no longer appear within the IU Org Chart. Positions that are temporarily inactivated in HRMS can always be reactivated by processing another Maintain Position eDoc.
How do I update the Reports-to field?
The department will need to submit a Reports-to Update eDoc to change the Reports-to position number to the correct value. For questions or assistance with this, please email .
When should the Reports-to be updated?
When hiring, any Hire eDocs will update within the IU Org Chart and reflect new employees.
Ensure that candidates and team are aware of the hire prior to processing the Hire eDoc so that other employees do not learn about the hire through the IU Org Chart.
Are departments allowed to use a screen shot of the Org Chart for eDoc approval?
Yes, screen shots of the IU Org Chart may be attached to and used for eDoc approval if the Reports-to is accurate for the position(s).
What if the Reports-to field contains the person assigned to approve ePTO, not the supervisor?
In some cases, the Reports-to value was updated to reflect the person responsible for approving an ePTO calendar, NOT the actual supervisor. In these cases, please have the ePTO administrator submit a support request to set up a delegate in ePTO to handle the calendar approval process.