Maintain Tenure & Promotion

Update coming soon.

Procedures for Maintaining Tenure Data

This document explains Annual Tenure & Promotion Process and Initial offers of appointment with Tenure and Prior Sabbatical Leave Credit

After BOT (Board of Trustees) approval for annual Promotion and Tenure recommendations each campus will update the client with the new tenure information for the appointees.  The below mentioned documentation will work thru with the process of updating and changing the records in the PeopleSoft Client. 

Further this document will also include the promotion recommendation process via Admin Post EDoc with a blanket approval.  An in-depth documentation with specific examples of the Tenure and Promotion processes are as follows.  This document was last updated October 14, 2010.

Tenure Data in PeopleSoft

To access this panel, select Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Create Tenure Data.   The employee search screen comes up (below) and you can search by employee id, name, or department.

Populate the fields listed below for only faculty and librarians who are on tenure-track or have tenure.

** Indicates that this field is required.

Field Value Description
Tenure Status** NTK
Non Tenure On Track
NOT Non Tenure Not On Track
TEN Tenure
CTU Change tenure unit or department
Home Rank Not Used IU not using this PS field. (Rank is captured at IU with academic titles)
Track Start Date** mm/dd/yyyy Tenure track start date, or for those hired with Tenure this date is the Hire Date
Change Date** mm/dd/yyyy Effective date of Tenure Status
(this can be future dated when tenure decision made in year prior to tenure being in effect). 
Change Reason Not Used  
Original Track Date Not Used  
Tenure Home** e.g. BL-BI Home department code.  This is validated against the employee’s job(s).  Only departments from these job(s) are allowable.
Service Calc Group** AC10
Academic 10 month tenure group
AC12 Academic 12 month tenure group
Mandatory Review Date Leave Blank An automated calculation process will enter an expected tenure review date end of each semester for those on tenure-track.
Granted Date mm/dd/yyyy Tenure granted date.  Date of Board of Trustees Action.  (note: effective date of tenure stored in Rank/Sts Chg Effect)
Override Calculation Leave Blank If checked tenure calculation process will exclude this employee from the tenure calculation process
Committed FTE Not Used  
Notes   Add any informational notes as needed
SetID e.g. IUBLA Defaults to SetID of Tenure Home Department
Total Required** 7.0 Tenure probation period
Extended By Not Used  
Terminal Year Not Used We will not update this field
Time Accrued Informational  
Time to Accrue Informational  
Other Tenure Departments   Add information in Dept, Tenure Status and Effect. Dt. fields as appropriate for additional tenure status affiliated departments
      Rank Description
      Tenure Status
      Effective Date

I. Maintain Tenure Data

From the Home Menu, follow the path: Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Create Tenure Data

screen shot

Special notes:

  • The Tenure Accrue check box and FTE are automatically being set through the creation of a Hire eDoc, however before setting up the initial tenure record for a faculty member, always make sure the “Accrue Tenure” box on the employment page in the USA section of the AC1 job is checked.  FTE for tenure accrual should be set to 1.0 on the same page. Continue with this practice using 1.0 for multiple jobs. 
  • The tenure track start date must not precede the effective date of the job record with the HIR or action code that will be used to accrue tenure.  If so, the accrual will begin with the effective date of the job record and ignore the track start date.
  • If the tenure track start date is greater than the effective date of the first job action to be accrued for an employee, the tenure track start date will be used as the starting date for the tenure service accrual
  • Medical leaves and family leaves do not count towards tenure. The tenure calc process will automatically extend the number of Probationary years by the number of weeks recorded on the job record for any medical or family leave action. All other types of leaves are set to count towards tenure. If a non-medical leave is not to count, then the campus academic affairs office needs to contact system support and request a manual adjustment.

II. Maintain Prior Experience/Credits 

Use the Prior Experience/Credits page to track employees’ service from other institutions that count toward IU tenure service accrual (as determined by the recruitment agreement).

Field Value Description
*Exp/Credit TENS Tenure Service Credit
SABS Sabbatical Service Credit
Description Informational  
*From Date mm/dd/yyyy Enter the date in form of MM/DD/YYYY for prior credit start date
To Date   Enter the date in form of MM/DD/YYYY for prior credit to date
Credit Granted   Enter years of service credit granted towards tenure
Add to Tenure? Check Box If service to be added to tenure – check box Add to tenure
Rank Not Used  
Rank Description Not Used  
Notes   Add any informational notes as needed

screen shot

Save the new data to the database by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the page.

Special notes:

  • For Prior Credit at hire you must check the Add to tenure box.
  • The system expects credits in the standard time periods and increments.  A warning box will be displayed when the start date does not correspond to a standard date for that service group.  A warning box is also displayed when the service amount is not .5 for AC10 and 1.0 for AC12 service groups.
  • The prior credit will be included in the accumulative total for the first service history record created for an employee.  Subsequent runs of the tenure service calc will only build on the amount included in the first service record.  Any prior credit entered after the first accrual for an employee will be ignored requiring that entire tenure service history be rebuilt by system manager using the delete/rebuild feature, so that the first service record for that employee will contain the prior credit amount in the accumulative total as stated above.

III. Prior Experience/Credits (Sabbatical Service Credit)

Following same requirements as with tenure credit (e.g., system expects credits in the standard time periods and increments. Prior credit must be included in the accumulative total for the first service history record created for an employee).  

screen shot

IV.  Viewing Tenure Department/Data

If through the hire process on the Employment data page, you checked accrue tenure, entered 1.0 for FTE, and on the tenure component the tenure data has been saved, you can view tenure status by Navigating to: Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Related Jobs for Tenure

screen shot

(This is how the page would look for someone hired with tenure)

V. Viewing Tenure Status Change History

To access this panel, select Review Rank/Status History from the menu bar in Manage Faculty Events. 

Because we are not tracking academic rank in the delivered PeopleSoft tenure component (it is stored with the academic titles), this inquiry screen will only display changes in tenure status.

screen shot

Promotion on eDocs

While changing information for tenure is done thru the Client, a promotion of an Employee is done thru an eDoc using the date of promotion listed on the Board of Trustees Agenda. (e.g., July 1, yyyy)

Go to HRMS Portal > Admin Posts

screen shot

  1. Enter either the Department ID and/or the University ID.
    • Department ID: Enter the Department Id or use the Look-up to find the appropriate ID
    • University ID: Appropriate University ID.
  2. Click the Search Button
  3. Then click on the Action link for the appropriate department/employee. This will start the initiation of the eDoc and present you with the main screen (below).

screen shot

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After clicking the Lookup button for the Administrative Post attribute, press the Search button to select the appropriate Administrative Post. After pressing the Search button select the appropriate Administrative Post from the list

screen shot

After Selecting the appropriate Administrative Post: Fill in the below mentioned

*Indicates: Required fields

Field Value
*Administrative Post Lookup magnifying glass
*Appointment Type Drop down from the list (Most cases Regular)
Description Notes
*As of Date mm/dd/yyyy
*Business Unit Drop down list
End Date mm/dd/yyyy
*Department Id Lookup magnifying glass

**NOTE**: After filling in the required data, press Save Administrative Post link. If this is not done, the added or modified changes will not be committed to the eDoc.

Now you can Press Blanket Approval button for Blanket Approval of the eDoc and start the process of saving the information to PeopleSoft. Once you get to the Save to People Soft Page; click on the Save to PeopleSoft link to start that process.