Indiana University and AFSCME for Service Employees at Bloomington, IUPUI, and South Bend
Agreement for
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015
AFSCME (BL, IN, SB) 12.1
Effective: July 1, 2012
Last Updated: July 1, 2012
Responsible University Office: IU Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Contact: IU Human Resources
With the approval of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University and subject to a vote of the membership of AFSCME for Service Employees, Indiana University Administration and the Officers of the AFSCME Locals are agreeable to the following:
1. Wage Adjustment
Effective July 1, 2012, all Service employees represented by AFSCME, will receive a 1.5% increase in their current wage rate, rounded to the nearest cent per hour; except that Service employees at Bloomington whose wage rate equals or exceeds the new full rate for their position’s classification, will receive their increase in the form of additional pay in installments over the payrolls in the fiscal year.
The parties agree to meet in the spring of 2013 and 2014 to discuss the distribution of any funds allocated for wage increases for the AFSCME represented Service employees for the 2013-2014 and the 2014-2015 fiscal years.
2. A Single Personnel Policies Manual for the three campuses
The parties reached agreement on the content of a single personnel policies manual for Bloomington, IUPUI, and South Bend. Each manual already contains 36 University-wide personnel policies which are identical on all campuses. The remaining 27 personnel policies in which differences existed between the campuses were carefully reviewed. Where it was possible, the differences were eliminated to create a single policy for all three campuses. In other cases it was agreed to maintain the differences, often due to structural or size considerations. In addition the parties agreed to modify several policies which are described in the following provisions of this agreement.
3. Evaluation Period for Promoted or Transferred Employees
Change the title of the policy to: “Trial Period for Promoted or Transferred Employees.” Remove reference to a four month Evaluation Period at IUPUI and replace it with provisions for a 60 calendar day trial period similar to that at Bloomington and South Bend.
Add the provision that at IUPUI, if, during the trial period, the employee is disqualified or voluntarily requests to return, the employee can return to his or her former unit and job classification if there is a vacant position which has not yet been offered to another person and provided that qualifications are met. If a vacant position is not available, the existing provisions will be applied.
The provisions within the “Promotions and Transfers” policy will be changed to be consistent with these new provisions.
4. Funeral Time
Amend the policy to provide eligibility for the three (3) day funeral time benefit for the death of an individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was under the age of 18.
Amend the policy to provide that if the funeral is held outside one week from the date of death, the employee may use any of the unused 24 hours of Funeral time to attend the funeral service.
5. Premium Pay
Within the Premium Pay policy amend the Stand-by Pay provisions at South Bend to provide that employees who are required to be on Stand-by outside of their regular scheduled work hours for seven or more consecutive days shall receive $1.50 per hour for the designated stand-by period.
6. Problem-Grievance Resolution
Add a statement in the Time Limits section of the policy that, in this Problem-Grievance Resolution procedure, the beginning of all time limits is the start of the day after the event or knowledge of the event.
Add a statement in the Stage 3 ½ and Mediation Options section of the policy that it is the intent of the parties to allow the option of using either Stage 3 ½ or mediation, with the agreement and understanding of both parties. Therefore, with the mutual agreement of both parties, a grievance may proceed to either Stage 3 ½ or mediation.
7. Hourly Work and Pay
Amend the conditions on which temporary pay is received to provide the following:
- When the work of a position vacated for any reason is assigned and the majority of the primary duties of the position are performed by one employee.
- The temporary assignment is for more than 40 hours in any one pay period.
- And the pay grade of such position is higher than the employee’s normal position.
8. Office Space for AFSCME at Bloomington
The university will provide suitable office space with internet access on campus for AFSCME at Bloomington and provide for the rent of the space. The union will pay for phone service for the office. This already exists at IUPUI and South Bend.
9. Annual Meeting between AFSCME and the University
The parties agreed that once per year during the term of this agreement, the union leadership on the three campuses and the university participants in these negotiations will meet in a two (2) hour video-conference meeting to discuss the application of the personnel policies, seek clarification of the policy provisions, and to achieve a common interpretation of the policies. If consensus is reached, the committee does have the ability to eliminate differences that exist between the campuses.
For the union, the participants will be limited to three union representatives from each campus. For the administration, the participants will be limited to the human resources director and the campus facilities director of each campus and the university’s director of employee relations. There will be no outside spokesperson for either the union or the university. The union will initiate the request for the meeting and it will not be held at the same time as the annual wage distribution meetings.