Indiana University and AFSCME Local 832 Agreement for 2008-09 and 2009-10

Effective: July 1, 2008
Last Updated:

Responsible University Office: IU Human Resources

Responsible University Administrator: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Policy Contact: IU Human Resources

Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University and a vote of the membership of AFSCME Local 832, Indiana University Administration and the Officers of Local 832 are agreeable to the following provisions effective July 1, 2008 for the employees represented by Local 832.

  1. Wages
    1. Effective July 1, 2008, Service Maintenance staff will receive a 3.5% increase.  Employees paid in excess of the salary rate for their positions since the July 1, 2006 agreement will receive their respective increase as a lump sum amount. 
    2. In the 2009-10 wage re-opener, the parties agree to meet and discuss distribution of any funds allocated for wage increases.
  2. Policy 6.5  Grievance
    Increases the time for Management to respond to grievances at Stage 1 and 2 from 5 days to 10.  Increases the time for the Grievant to appeal the grievance to Stage 2 from 5 days to 10.  Adds a provision to Stage 2 encouraging a meeting between the Grievant and the department head and if such meeting is held, provides 5 days to schedule the meeting and 10 days from the meeting for Management to respond.   (Attachment)
  3. Policy 2.6 Advertising Job Openings
    ¶B.1:  Deletes the last line from the paragraph, “The listing will continue to within two weeks of job offer and acceptance.”  
  4. Standby Pay
    Includes in the policy manual a provision reflecting the long standing practice of paying standby pay of one hour’s pay for every eight hours on standby when certain criteria are met.  (Attachment)      
  5. Policy 5.6 Workplace Safety
    Modifies procedures for reporting and correcting emergency and non-emergency unsafe working conditions:
    1. In procedures for both emergency and non-emergency unsafe working conditions:
      • Eliminates the requirement that the employee report unsafe conditions to dean or director (formerly step 2); instead the supervisor will inform the dean or director as part of his/her responsibilities at step 1. 
      • Designates the Office of Environmental Health and Safety as the recipient of reports of unsafe conditions at step 2, with responsibility to evaluate the situation, make a decision, and report the decision to the employee, supervisor and director. 
      • Clarifies that the Joint Safety Committee reviews the information related to the unsafe working condition and determines if it was satisfactorily resolved or if additional action is necessary.   Increases the time for supervisors to respond to non-emergency unsafe working conditions from three to five days.
    2. In the procedure for non-emergency unsafe working conditions:
      • Increases the time for supervisors to respond to reports of unsafe working conditions at step 1 from three to five days
      • Increases the time for employees to report unsafe working conditions at step 2 from two to three days.
      • Adds a provision that in case of impasse within the committee, the matter shall be submitted to the director of EH&S for determination.
  6. (Attachment)

  7. Policy 5.5 Adverse Working Conditions
    Modifies the policy to provide no loss of pay for up to five days (formerly only a portion of a workday) for employees who were scheduled to work and were unable to work solely due to the adverse working condition.  Clarifies adverse working conditions, and employee work assignments and pay when adverse working conditions encompass a single building, a portion of the campus or the entire campus.   (Attachment)
  8. Propose new Policy:  Union – Administration Relations
    Consolidates within one policy, guidelines for use of union release time along with other related provisions contained within the manual such as union leave of absence and use of bulletin boards.    Adds a provision providing union release time to union officers who attend new employee orientation.   Adds a provision providing union use of campus mail and guidelines for such use.  (Attachment)
  9. Policy 2.13 Reduction in Force
    Adds another level of consideration of RIF candidates for vacancies:  in addition to being considered first for vacancies in the occupational unit from which the employee was laid off, the laid off employee will also be given priority consideration for vacancies in other occupational units within the department or responsibility center (RC).   (Attachment)
  10. Discussed Policy 2.11, Training and Education, and agreed to implement paragraph ¶E Career Development Committee.

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IU Human Resources
Last updated: 1 July 2008
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