7.6E IU South Bend and AFSCME Local 1477-01 2005-2007 Agreement
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Responsible University Office: IU Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Policy Contact: IU Human Resources
Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University and a vote of the membership of AFSCME, Local 1477-01, Indiana University and the Officers of AFSCME, Local 1477-01 are agreeable to the following:
Effective July 1, 2005, the appointed Service Maintenance Staff at South Bend will receive the following wage adjustment:
- Employees with an annual equivalent base salary of $30,000 or more will receive a 2.25% increase to their base salary, rounded to the nearest cent per hour.
- Employees with an annual equivalent base salary of less than $30,000 will receive a $675 increase to their base salary rounded to the nearest cent per hour. For part-time appointed Staff, this increase will be prorated by the percentage of their appointment (FTE).
Effective July 1, 2005, the appointed Service Maintenance Staff at South Bend will receive the following wage adjustment:
- Policy 2.7 Process for Recruitment/Selection. Add the following provision to the beginning of Section B. Filling Service Maintenance Positions:
- Management shall determine within 30 calendar days of a position becoming vacant to fill it or not. The President of AFSCME Local 1477-01 shall be notified in writing of the decision. If the decision is to fill the position, management shall have 60 calendar days from the date of the job posting to make a job offer (except those in Safety & Security), for a total of 90 calendar days.
- If a vacant position (other than Safety and Security) is to be filled, but management fails to offer the position within 60 calendar days of the job posting, the position will be filled with a temporary or hourly employee until the vacancy is filled with an appointed employee. If management fails to fill the vacancy with a temporary or hourly employee by the 60th day after the job posting, the University will contribute the equivalent amount of the proficient rate for the vacant position into a fund under policy 3.2 (D) for each additional workday that the position is not filled by a temporary or hourly employee. Any amounts contributed to the fund described above will be distributed evenly among the employees in the occupational unit who are actually performing the work of the vacant position. The amount that would be paid to each employee under such circumstances is limited to a maximum amount of $100 per employee per biweekly pay period.
- Policy 2.9 Work Schedules, Hours, Uniforms. Add the following new provision to paragraph C. Uniforms.
- Blue or black denim long pants are acceptable for wear by Service-Maintenance staff except Safety & Security provided they do not have holes, tears, patches, or external appliqué's. The university will not provide for laundry or replacement of these pants purchased by the employee.
- Policy 2.9 Work Schedule, Hours, Uniforms. Add the following provision to section D. Shift Preference:
- Policy 2.11 Training and Education. Reverse the order of paragraphs 2 and 3 in Section A. Staff Training. The policy will now be:
- Time away from the job to attend training programs that are job- related does not have to be charged to accrued time.
- Attendance at Training and Development programs is to be approved by the immediate supervisor.
- Policy 4.5 Injury-on-the-Job. Revise paragraph B.1 to read as follows:
- For the first 40 regular scheduled work hours of disability in a payroll calendar year in which an employee is unable to work as a result of an on-the-job injury, the university will provide the employee's full salary at the regular rate. Absence during this time is not charged to previously earned benefits. Such paid absence hours are limited to 40 in a payroll calendar year unless an absence due to an injury exceeds 21 days. In such cases, the eligibility for the supplemental benefit will be restored. Department heads may require a physician's statement before approving payment for absences during this period of time. All lost time must be reported to the Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims.
- Policy 5.3 Vacation. In paragraph B. 1, Use of Vacation revise paragraphs a. and b. to read as follows:
- Requests for vacations of one week or more which are submitted by March 1st will be processed and preference will be given on the basis of occupational unit seniority.
- Vacation requests must be submitted at least three working days in advance and will be approved/disapproved within three working days of the request or the request is automatically approved on the fourth working day. Requests will be honored in the order in which they are received. For police and security officers, vacation time off requests must be approved or disapproved within seven working days of the receipt of the request or the request is automatically approved.
- Policy 6.5 Problem-Grievance Resolution Procedure. In the Level Three Joint Conference paragraphs revise the last sentence of the third paragraph and add a new sentence to read:
- Policy 6.8 Corrective Action. Amend Section C as follows:
Once shift preference has been exercised for a given job vacancy, the employee must wait until another job vacancy occurs to again exercise his or her shift preference based on his or her occupational unit seniority.
The University will provide the grievant and the authorized Union representative with a written summary of the University's position within five (5) work days after the date of the joint conference unless the parties jointly agreed to extend the time limits to conduct further investigation. The University will provide the Union Staff Representative for AFSCME, Local 1477-01, a list of prospective witnesses.
- The University will only exercise its right to employ corrective action and discharge non-probationary employees for just cause. Such right will not be exercised arbitrarily or capriciously.
- When other means have been unsuccessful or in severe cases inappropriate workplace behavior and violations of work rules and practices will be corrected through progressively more severe corrective actions. The specific corrective action that will be taken depends upon the circumstances of the situation and the degree that it affects the work environment.
- In addition to being progressive in nature, it is important that the degree of discipline be directly related to the seriousness of the offense and the employee's record; therefore, it is possible for steps to be skipped or repeated.
Steps of Corrective Action
Appropriate corrective action may include:
- Verbal warning
- Written warning
- Second written warning
- Final written warning, which may include a suspension without pay
- Termination
- All of these corrective action steps will not necessarily apply in all cases as a suspension or discharge may be warranted on the first occasion of an extremely serious offense.
Appropriate corrective action may include:
- Procedures
Policy 6.8 Corrective Action. Modify paragraph E.5 by adding the following sub-paragraph a:
- The twelve month limit on the use of corrective action does not apply to any corrective action taken for the following offenses: theft, falsification of University records, sexual harassment, workplace violence, or any conduct that could lead to termination for the first offense, or other types of harassment prohibited by University policy or law.
Policy 7.2 Articles of Cooperation. Modify Article 5C by adding the same sub-paragraph a.
- Uniforms
The University and the union agree to appoint the committee described in Policy 7.7 A, Item 10. The committee will be responsible for investigating purchase and lease options and making a recommendation to the University. In the event that the current lease arrangement is terminated, those employees with leased uniforms will return them to the University.