Maintain Job Data eDoc

Maintain Job Data eDoc Process

From the HRMS Portal, click Maintain Job Data.

Maintain Job Data Document Lookup

  1. Enter the University ID, click Search, and records that meet the search criteria will appear.

NOTE: It’s best to try to obtain the University ID, but if you don’t have it, utilize the other available search options below.

  1. Click on the Maintain Job Data Document link in the Actions column and the Effective Date section will appear. 
  2. Enter the Effective Date of the Maintain Job Data action. The Effective Date is the date on which the action reason selected takes effect.
  3. After entering the Effective Date, select Continue. The Action Reason selection screen will appear with appropriate action reasons for the job data change.
  4. Select the appropriate Action Reason.
    • Action Reason options include:
      • RET (Change in Expected Return Date): Use this when an employee is on a leave and plans to return earlier or later than the originally entered date.
      • CPR (Correction-Pay Rate): Use this when an incorrect pay rate was processed originally.  The effective date of this action should be the same as the original effective date.  Please attach the appropriate documentation to justify this change.
      • LOC (Update IU Job Location Values): Use this when an employee has changed work locations to a different state. Per UCO Tax, this action should not be made effective retroactive to a prior payroll.
      • STH (Change in Standard Hours): For Staff Biweekly employees.  Use to increase or decrease in standard hours/FTE.

Note: If you realize you need to make a change after moving to the next section of the eDoc, you can use the Return button to return to previous section. You can return all the way back to the Effective Date section in this manner.


Review the Earnings Section and update any funding information that needs to be changed.

Notes and Attachments

Add any notes that may be needed in the note text and click the Add button under Actions to save the note

Take Action

Once you’ve reviewed the entire document, select Submit to route the eDoc for approval. (Click Save to save the eDoc and return to it later. Click Cancel to cancel the eDoc and start over.)