Hire Part-Time Employee
Things you will need before initiating a Hire eDoc (for part-time (formerly temporary) employees)
- University ID
- Effective date/Start date
- Position Number
- Work Location
- Compensation Rate
- Voucher Code
- Account Numbers
To find a University ID: Use the Person Inquiry under the Inquiries column on the HRMS portal page. If there are no results, you may need to initiate an Add New Person eDoc.
Check for Active Jobs: Make sure the individual does not have any other active jobs within IU by entering the University ID or First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth in the Employee Active Jobs Lookup section of the HRMS portal. If there are any active job records you may need to complete a different eDoc. Contact your HRBP or for additional information.
Complete the Hire Employee eDoc
- Initiate the Hire eDoc by clicking on the Hire Employee link under Employee Activities eDocs on the eDoc portal page.
- Enter the effective date/start date and the position number and click Continue.
- Action Reason will default to Hire. Select Yes if this is the employee’s Primary Job and click Continue.
- Enter the Work Location Country and Work Location State (If employee will be working from a state other than Indiana, please contact askHR before continuing.) (If employee will be working from a country other than the US, please contact the Office of General Counsel.)
- In the Job Data section, enter the compensation rate.
- Verify that the Tax Location matches the employee’s work location.
- Click Continue.
- In the Earnings section verify the Funding Type as Percent or Amount.
- Enter the voucher code. Then click on Add Accounting Line.
- Enter the Account number and Percent or Amount.
- Add a note if necessary. Be sure to click “add” to the right of the note to save the note before submitting.
- Click Submit to route the eDoc for approval. (Click save to save the eDoc and return to it later. Click cancel to cancel the eDoc and start over.)