
I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.

Free Me From Unnecessary Stress: Getting people what they need to do their work is important in maximizing efficiency, in demonstrating to employees that their work is valued, and in showing that the company is supporting them in what they are asked to do.

Try This Now:

Promptly respond to requests for tools and equipment that employees need to do their jobs properly, even if you cannot grant the request.

Tool for Action:

Use this Engaging Conversations: Materials and Equipment tool to start a discussion with your employees about the tools they need to be successful in their job.

Learn More:

Originally produced by Gallup. Adapted with permission.

Three Material and Emotional Needs

The tangible tools and equipment necessary to do the work
The systems and processes in place (including access to information) that maximize productivity
Appropriate staffing and the acceptable handling of equipment requests

The most effective managers listen to their employees’ needs and are transparent about what can be provided and when. These managers respond to the material and emotional needs that fuel their employees’ requests.”
- Gallup