
IU is excited to offer WeightWatchers year-round, at no cost to you!

Eligibility & Enrollment

The following individuals are eligible to participate in WeightWatchers:

  • All benefit-eligible academic and staff employees; and
  • Spouses covered on an IU medical plan.

Sign up any time by visiting IU.WW.com and providing the following information:

  • IU Access ID: 15246810
  • Employee’s 10-digit University ID:
    • Employee should enter just their University ID (example: 0000001234)
    • Spouse should enter the University ID + s (example: 0000001234s)

IU covers 100% of the cost of WeightWatchers; however, per IRS rules, the value of the program is considered a taxable benefit. This means you will pay income taxes on the value of your membership (and your spouse’s, if applicable), and that amount will be reported on your W2 at the end of each year.

Membership Options

Developed by nutrition and behavior change scientists, the WeightWatchers program guides you toward healthier habits with an individualized nutrition plan and innovative tools rooted in science. WeightWatchers delivers programming in two ways to fit your lifestyle:

  • Core — get an individualized nutrition plan, easy-to-use trackers, 24/7 live coach chat, and more—all in our award-winning app.
  • Premium — get in-person and virtual weight-loss support from your WeightWatchers Coach and other members—when and how you want it! Choose from thousands of sessions morning to night, 7 days a week. Plus Core.

Join IU’s Exclusive Virtual Workshop

Join the weekly WW Virtual Workshop exclusive to IU employees, Wednesdays at Noon ET. You’ll get weekly guidance from WW Coach Vicki in a virtual group setting that will help move you closer to your weight-loss and wellness goals. The Workshops are fun, supportive, and inspiring.

Join the IU Virtual Workshop
  1. Sign up for WeightWatchers under the Premium membership.
  2. Ensure that the WW app has been downloaded on your phone or mobile device and that you are logged in.
  3. From your phone, click here to access the IU Connect Group in the WW app.
  4. Once you have successfully joined the IU Connect Group in the WW app, you can find the Workshop schedule and the designated Zoom link and dial-in information.
  5. On the day of the Workshop, simply click on the Zoom link or use the dial-in information to join the group. You can join the Workshops up to 15 minutes early to complete a virtual Wellness Check-in and chat with your WW Coach.

Customer Support

For questions, call WW at 866-204-2885 or email .