The Basics

This self-guided tutorial shows how the job framework will clearly organize jobs and introduces the related terminology. It will take you 10 minutes or less to view.


This self-guided tutorial shows how the job framework will clearly organize jobs and introduces the related terminology. It will take you 10 minutes or less to view.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • How the new job framework will be constructed
  • The terminology used in the new framework
  • How roles (jobs) will be organized inside the new framework

This tutorial will NOT inform you of specifics related to your individual role, such as your level or title.

Key facts to keep in-mind:

  • Your job duties will NOT change as a result of the new job framework.
  • You will NOT be demoted or promoted as a result of the new job framework.
  • Your base pay and benefits will NOT change as a result of the new job framework.


Roles (jobs) will be clearly organized inside a new job framework using the structures shown below. This tutorial will walk you through how they’re constructed.

Functions, families, and roles chart

career levels chart

A simple and transparent job framework will make it easier to see how roles are related across the university and helps illuminate potential career paths available at IU.

Job Function

All roles (jobs) will be organized first by job function, the largest classification category.

Examples: Information Technology, Finance, Student Services.

Functions and families chart with function role highlighted

Roles at IU with similar areas of focus will be grouped into job functions.

Job Family

Roles (jobs) will be organized into job families that group similar types of work, skills, knowledge, and/or expertise.

Examples: Within the Finance job function, there may be Financial Administration, Payroll, and Tax job families.

Functions and familes chart with families highlighted

Roles at IU will be further categorized according to their specialization using job families.


Individual roles (jobs) will be found within each job family.

Examples: Financial Administration Coordinator, Financial Administration Specialist, Financial Administration Leader

Functions and families chart with oles highlighted

The job framework will clearly display the roles that exist at IU. Each role will have a new role descriptor that focuses on the role itself, not a specific individual.

Career Structure & Career Level

Each role will have an associated career structure and career level.

Image showing how roles relate to teh career levels

Career structures and career levels help show how roles are related to one another at IU and will provide a better understanding of career advancement opportunities.

Career Structure

Roles will be assigned one of three career structures:

Image of the structure of the career levels

Career structures will represent the nature of the primary duties and responsibilities of roles at IU.

Career Level

Roles will be assigned a career level based on typical work dimensions shared by all roles at that level.

Structure of career levels

By accounting for growth in complexity and higher levels of duties and responsibilities for roles, career levels will reveal opportunities for growth and the different career paths available at IU.


This new, transparent approach will give you a clearer picture of your role and how it relates to other roles, your individual career path, and opportunities for development and growth at IU.

Next, you can see an example of how a new framework can help reveal career options at IU and even take an in-depth look at the elements of the job framework.

Example: Using the Framework

End tutorial

For a more guided approach to learn about the new framework, check out recordings of Listening Sessions that cover the basics and how the framework is constructed.

View sessions