Sample Rejection Letters
For Filled Bloomington Service Positions

To applicants who are current Service employees

When a current SM employee is selected:

Thank you for your interest in the (Position Title), job posting (number), in the (Department Name). We selected (name of candidate selected), who is currently employed in a Service position, with a seniority date of (date in the occupational unit or in the university, whichever is applicable and state which one you are using.) This candidate's qualifications and experience best meet the requirements of the position. (When applicable, add, “This candidate also has the greatest occupational unit or university seniority.”)

We wish you continued success in your career with Indiana University.

(For promotional positions: When a senior employee who meets the minimum qualifications is not selected, the written notification to such employee applicant should also contain the related qualifications of the person selected that are significantly greater.)

When an external applicant is selected:

Thank you for your interest in the (Position Title), job posting (number), in the (Department name). After thorough review, we have selected (name of candidate selected), whose qualifications and experience best meet the requirements of the position.

We wish you continued success in your career with Indiana University.


To applicants who are not Service employees

Thank you for your interest in the (Position Title), job posting (number), in the (Department Name). We have selected a candidate whose qualifications and experience best meet the needs of our department.

We wish you success in your career pursuits.