Indiana University and AFSCME Local 832 Agreement for 2010-2013

Effective: July 1, 2010
Last Updated:

Responsible University Office: IU Human Resources

Responsible University Administrator: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Policy Contact: IU Human Resources

Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of Indiana University and a vote of the membership of AFSCME Local 832, Indiana University Administration and the Officers of Local 832 are agreeable to the following provisions effective July 1, 2010 for the employees represented by Local 832.

  1. Policy 2.6 Advertising Job Openings  - In Section C., “Filling a position from within an occupational unit or department”, modify C.1 and C.2, as follows:
    If a department plans to fill a position from within the occupational unit by promoting an appointed employee or a Temporary with Retirement employee who has worked 12 months in the occupational unit, the position does not have to be listed with University Human Resource Services.  However, the position must be advertised within the unit to give all qualified employees an opportunity to apply.
    In departments with more than one Service Maintenance occupational unit, a position may be listed in the occupational unit of the opening only or in all the Service Maintenance occupational units in the department before the opening is listed in the campus-wide listing.  Temporary with Retirement employees who have worked 12 months within these units may apply. 
  2. Policy 2.16 Overtime – In Section. B., “Scheduling”, modify Paragraph B.4 by adding subparagraph a, as follows:
    Personnel whose responsibility is primarily managerial or supervisory should not be called back to work on compensable overtime, nor assign themselves to work compensable overtime, unless the supervisory function is required for the work performance and would so be provided for such work during regular hours.
    1. B.4. of the policy applies to GS Staff except in circumstances where SM Staff are not available.

  3. Policy 5.5 Adverse or Unsafe Working Conditions – In Section B., “Reassignment or release from work due to adverse or unsafe working conditions”, modify Paragraph B.2 as follows:
    The chancellor, provost, or appropriate vice president has the authority to close a specific building or part of a building, an area of a campus, or an entire campus.  Management will use its best efforts to designate and communicate the closing and reopening times. 
  4. Policy 5.7 Adverse Weather Conditions – In Section B., “Closing of campus”, modify Paragraph B.1 by adding new subparagraphs a and b, and renumbering the existing subparagraphs as c and d as follows:
    If adverse weather conditions are widespread and extremely severe, the president at the Bloomington campus and the chancellors at other campuses may determine that a campus should be closed and announce by means of local radio stations that staff members shall not report to work. Whenever a campus is closed, the president's office is to be notified promptly.
    1. Employees may also call the university's emergency information number at 1-877-482-5486 or visit the Campus Emergency Site at

    2. Management will use its best efforts to designate and communicate the closing and reopening times.

    3. Under such circumstances, pay for staff members will be continued without charge to allowances or make-up of time.

    4. Emergency hourly and appointed employees only, who are required to work, will be allowed time and one-half additional time off, or pay, as determined by the department  head.

    5. It is the responsibility of supervisors to notify employees in advance which jobs may be subject to emergency requirements.

  5. Policy 5.17 Union – Administration Relations – In Section B., “Paid union released time”, modify Paragraph B.1.d. by adding subparagraph ii, as follows:
    The university will allow designated stewards for AFSCME Local 832 up to one shift off with pay annually to attend steward training, subject to the procedures in this policy. 
    1. The university will be provided an opportunity to make a presentation during the program.

    2. When steward training is scheduled during hours outside the regular work shift for a union officer, as frequently happens for second and third shift employees, the person shall have the following workday adjusted to permit either a late arrival or early departure for the same amount of time.  This provision will apply only if the employee is scheduled to work the following workday.   For example, if the meeting is during the day on Tuesday and the employee's next scheduled workday is not until Wednesday night, this provision would not apply.

  6. Policy 6.11 Computer Access – Add new Paragraph D,” AFSCME Local 832 email access”, as follows:
    1. AFSCME Local 832 email access

      1. AFSCME Local 832 is required to have email access through Indiana University to facilitate electronic communications between IU and AFSCME.  The university will provide an email account to AFSCME Local 832 for this purpose. 

        1. The AFSCME President, Secretary,  or designee as identified to management will be allowed access to a computer during work hours to check on and respond to IU management emails.

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IU Human Resources
Last updated: 9 June 2010
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